As a world-class golf course and home to 37 PGA golf tournaments, H&A provided civil engineering services to renovate 21 of the 36 holes at the La Costa Resort and Spa’s golf course. We incorporated the architect’s vision into a three-dimensional model that illustrated the contouring and grading within the existing topography.
H&A improved the golf course drainage system which increased the golfers’ ability to move through the course more quickly. Other improvements included our design for a recycled water system, the redesign of the vegetation to require less water use and to decrease the course’s maintenance requirements. We integrated cart paths and surrounding areas of the clubhouse to provide staging areas for tournaments, outdoor venues, and improved the site lines of the course.
This entire renovation was a pilot course in a “Play it Forward” Program where additional tee boxes were added closer to the greens to allow for youth and elderly players to participate.
Project Challenge and Solution
The course is located within an existing floodplain and the management required 27 of the 36 holes to be open at all times to allow for continuous play during construction.
The fairways were elevated and a layer of sand was used to top all fairways along the drainage corridor.